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Our Governors

Our Governing Body Team include:


Finance, Premises, Personnel and Health and Safety Committee

Mrs. Msallem ( Chair ), Mr Rockall, Mr. Haley and the Head Teacher.

Plus Mrs. Andrews (non voting).

Attendance, Behaviour and Safeguarding Committee

Mrs. Clarke, Mr Haley, Head Teacher and Miss Bishop (part of our attendance team-non voting)

Quality of Education / Curriculum Committee

Mr Sideras and Mr Freeman (Chair ), Mrs. Msallem, Miss Jenkins and Mrs R Vaja 

Pay Committee

Mrs. Msallem ( Chair ), MrHaley and Mr. Rockall. 

Plus the Head Teacher in an advisory capacity

Statutory Committees (pupil discipline, staff discipline, grievance and appeals, parental complaints and pay appeals except for appeals by the Head Teacher )

Any three governors who are not members of staff, as available.  

Reviewers for Head Teacher's Performance Management

The Chair, Mr Haley and Mr. Rockall plus Mr. Alexander (SIP).


Link Roles and Special Responsibilities

School website.................................................Mrs Msallem

Disadvantaged Pupils.......................................Mr. Rockall

Pupils targeted by Sports Premium..................Mr. Rockall

SEND................................................................Mrs. Msallem

Staff Well-Being................................................Mrs Vaja

Attendance........................................................Mrs. Clarke

Safeguarding....................................................Mr. Haley

LGB Dates

The Full Governing Body meetings 2023/2024 are scheduled as follows:

5th October 2023
1st February 2024
25th April 2024 (extra meeting to approve our School Budget)
11th July 2024

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